From William J. Morris, Jr., University of North Texas, Professor of Accounting, “John Smith tells in dramatic fashion what can happen……the reaction from my students was apparent, that he deeply impressed them” — “John Smith’s contribution to the education of these students is incalculable……with remarkable candor about his involvement, he got across some things that neither I nor most other professors can accomplish in a whole semester…. he can make a unique contribution to generations of students”.
From Texas Tech University, “Mr. Smith’s insight from personal experience makes him eminently qualified to speak on the issue of ethics, especially the impact that ethical considerations have on business decisions, careers and lives”.
From Vincent P. Apilado, Professor of Finance, University of Texas at Arlington. “Many thanks for your presentation to my graduate seminar. It was outstanding…..Your presence to us was an occasion of rare quality. We are indebted.”
From Ann Quinn, Team Bank, now JPMorgan Chase “Thank you so very much for an excellent presentation, our Regional Chairman considered you the best speaker we have had.”
From Sue Strickland, University of Texas at Arlington, Accounting Alumni Association. “Rarely do we have the pleasure of hearing such a polished speaker touch on such a thought-provoking topic………we enjoyed your speech tremendously.”
From Wendell E. Edwards, Professor and Head of Department of Accounting, East Texas State University,Texas A&M University Commerce “…. thank you for the outstanding presentation…. your interesting and informative presentation on ethics was right on target. I genuinely believe that yours was the best ethics presentation that I have ever seen…”